Line Sleeping

Uploaded: October 25, 2001 04:49:15


My daughter fell asleef in the room after the long trip from Denmark to the Greek island Crete.


November 07, 2001

Very nice. #1622

Piper Lehman November 16, 2001

This is great. Love the lines and the one photo on the wall. Very nice job. (I hope your daughter forgives you for the intrusion.) :) #2738

Alan V. Hansen November 23, 2001

Hi Piper L.
Thank you for the nice words... and I'm sure my daughter forgives you, me and anybody else. She always - almost - accepts my use of photographs from the family. But I also try myself to act as a severe filter.'Cause just because you've photographed someone you don't own their privacy. #2976

Marja H. Konimäki April 18, 2004

Great composition, colors and tones! Congrats Alan! #490089

Alan V. Hansen April 19, 2004

Hi Marja
Thanks - I'm very glad you like it!
Alan:-) #491564

Patrick R. McMullen December 14, 2008

Nice work Alan! I like the compostion. Nice and simple. #6890247

Alan V. Hansen December 17, 2008

Hi Patrick
Thank you for your nice comment - even though the pic is a few years old, it's still one of my favorittes. Passed by your pictures, and there's a lot of nice stuff.
Alan:-) #6902777

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